Sustainable Renovations – The Top Six Benefits Of Bamboo DeckingSustainable Renovations – The Top Six Benefits Of Bamboo Decking

Sustainable Renovations - The Top Six Benefits Of Bamboo Decking

With sustainability front and centre in the renovation market as move towards a greener future, bamboo decking is gaining popularity worldwide. This beautiful and durable material is kind to the environment (and your family) and is the perfect eco-friendly upgrade for your home this Summer. That’s why we’re exploring its top six benefits:


One of the biggest perks of bamboo decking is that it’s an environmentally friendly lifestyle upgrade for your home. Often when we want to make improvements, resources are consumed that may not be all that sustainable, but as it grows easily and abundantly, bamboo decking is the perfect material for the eco-conscious home renovator. It also regenerates quite quickly so by the time your home’s new addition is ready, the plants that were harvested to craft it will already be well on their way to forming more bamboo decking.

Naturally Beautiful

Another great benefit of bamboo decking is that it’s naturally beautiful. Too often we are surrounded by materials that disconnect us from nature rather than allowing us to live as one with our natural environment and this can actually be quite detrimental to our mental health. While we’re not suggesting that we all go live in tree forts and gather berries, the addition of bamboo decking is a great way to craft your own little slice of paradise.

Tough And Durable

Bamboo decking

Bamboo decking is also incredibly strong. In fact, some studies have even shown that this plant can stand up to more punishment than alloys of steel, graphite and even concrete in terms of strength in certain contexts. This makes it a wonderfully durable construction material which is known to be able to last up to 80 years when properly maintained and cared for. While treatment is required in most cases to ensure this, such is the case with any type of wood that will sit out in the elements, so renovators shouldn’t be put off by this detail.

Highly Stable

While we all love a natural wood look, the unfortunate truth is that, in most cases, it isn’t all that great at withstanding the elements. Bamboo decking, on the other hand, is highly stable and shouldn’t be too bothered by whatever nature throws at it. Unlike other types of wood boards, bamboo decking isn’t prone to swelling or warping when it comes into contact with moisture making it a greatly superior external building material.

Stands The Test Of Time

Finally, bamboo decking is great at standing the test of time. Because it isn’t prone to issues such as warping or expansion in the way that many other woods are, the structural integrity of your structure will remain for a longer period of time. This is a key factor in terms of safety, but is also great for your budget as bamboo decking won’t require replacing as quickly as many other common materials would.

Fire Resistant

Finally, bamboo decking is as resistant to fire as you can get. Featuring a Class A ASTM E84 flame spread index and Bfl-s1 (EN 13501-1) security class, it’s your best option if this is a point of concern for you. While this may seem a morbid inclusion, people like to barbecue in their outdoor spaces and these cookers don’t always act the way that they’re expected to so it’s certainly worth looking into fire resistant options, especially if this is a common activity for you and your family.

These benefits aren’t the only perks of this fabulous building material but they’re certainly some of the finest. If outdoor living renovations are on the cards for you this year, we highly suggest considering bamboo decking as part of your project.